The Venue at Legare's Landing: Event Sponsorship

Partner With Us!

As the owners of a small business ourselves, we understand the value of partnering with other local enterprises in the community. We recognize the impact that collaboration and mutual support can have on fostering growth and success. That's why we hope you'll consider becoming an event sponsor for one of our community events. 

By partnering with us, you'll receive special recognition throughout the event as well as the opportunity to showcase your products or services. Your partnership allows us the opportunity to provide a gathering space for the community to connect, have fun, and create lasting memories. 

Become an event sponsor and let’s make a meaningful difference together in our community! Give us a call today at 706-830-6996 or connect with us via email at

Ready to become an event sponsor? Click below to complete our sponsorship form online. We look forward to partnering with you!